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Abstract: HPC at the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) Linköping University

Title: HPC at the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC), Linköping University

Speaker: Niclas Andersson, Technical Director


Over the years the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) at Linköping
University has progressed from being an entrepreneurial endeavor to a
process and project based organization continuously delivering an
evolving portfolio of customer based services in the field of

NSC is now highly proficient in delivering large scale high
performance computing services to academic institutions throughout
Sweden and to our partners SMHI and Saab. However, the landscape for
technology as well as funding keeps shifting and we need to improve
and evolve our services and collaborations on both the national and
the international scale.

This talk will present NSC, the services NSC provide, the current
Swedish landscape of academic HPC and also outline some of the tasks
and challenges that lies ahead. The talk will also elaborate on the
services we provide to our partners and how the combination improves
the total service quality at NSC.

About Niclas Andersson:

Niclas received a Master of Science and Technology in Computer Science
and Technology 1992 and Licentiate of Engineering from Linköping
University 1996. He has been managing main HPC systems at NSC,
including C90, T3E, SGI Onyx2, SGI Origin3000, and has also designed,
built and managed a number of Linux clusters. Since 2006 Niclas is the
Technical Director at National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) at Linköping
University and beside heading NSC's HPC infrastructure including large
systems for national weather forecasting and a wide variety of
academic research. He also manage the office of procurements. He has
an interest in computer and storage technology, open source
initiatives, and sustainable HPC at large.

23 sep 2016