Digital exams in Denmark
For several years Denmark has given university students the possibility of downloading assignments and submitting digital responses as part of the logistics for exams at 7 out of 8 of the Danish universities.
The solution used to submit digital responses is currently widely used at these universities. The digital exam solution enables students to work from home, cafes or even from hard-to-reach cottages provided there is an adequate internet connection and the student possesses a device with a browser. No matter the file size, FileSender gets the job done. Once the students have handed in, the assessors can download the files and make an assessment.
FileSender as an enabler
FileSender forms an important part of the setup behind the Danish digital exam solution. FileSender works quietly, reliably and securely in the background when students submit their exams through the solution developed by Arcanic.
“FileSender fits the task. It enables students to conduct large uploads even when their internet is not showing its best side. The queuing and buffering functionality in FileSender is likely to have made the crucial difference between a successful and an unsuccessful submission of exam documents for several students”, explains Arvid Klein Gregersen, Product manager, Arcanic
More information
If you are interested in knowing more about what FileSender can do for your Danish organization, please visit at https://www.deic.dk/en/filesender.
If you wish to know more about the international collaboration around FileSender or make use of Filesender in a non-Danish context, please visit https://filesender.org/.