Danish researchers from both academia and industry previously had the possibility of accessing European so-called Tier-0 state-of-the-art supercomputers that were available through the Danish membership in EuroHPC-JU and PRACE.
In addition, numerous HPC-facilities outside of Europe are also accessed by Danish researchers, however that part is not scoped here.

Figure 1. Danish researchers accessed 16 different HPC facilities in 5 countries via PRACE (2011-2021).
International HPC projects with participation from Denmark
Denmark became a member of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe called PRACE in 2011, which paved the road for Danish researchers to access peta- or hexa-scale supercomputers in Europe. The membership since ended on the 1st of January 2022.
Danish researchers’ participation under PRACE:
- Danish researchers have accessed 16 different HPC-facilities in 5 countries (see Figure 1).
- A total of 36 projects have so far involved participation from Denmark and more than 1.000 million CPU core hours were awarded to Danish projects (See Figure 2).
- Seven scientific fields are represented in the projects from the last decade (See Figure 2).
- Danish researchers participated in 15 of the 22 calls from PRACE corresponding to a ratio of 68 percent.
- Compute time awarded to the projects through PRACE correspond to 30.000 years of calculations using a single laptop.
- Furthermore, the return on the PRACE membership investment can be said to be 1:10 for Denmark. This is based on the membership cost and the value of awarded CPU core hours over a 10-year period.

Figure 2. PRACE applicants from Denmark were awarded more than 1.000 million CPU core hours in the period of 2011 to 2021 (grey bars), and 7 scientific fields were represented. The number of projects awarded within each scientific field is given in brackets to the left.
PRACE enables new research in Denmark
Danish universities participated in all 36 PRACE projects awarded to Denmark, and in two of these projects the industry participated as well, and one project included the participation of a non-governmental organization (NGO) (see Figure 3). Four of the eight Danish universities accessed the PRACE supercomputers in the period from 2011 to 2021.

Figure 3. Universities participated in all 36 PRACE projects awarded to Denmark (a total of 1.068.401.173 CPU core hours). Industry collaborated in two of these projects and an NGO in one of these projects.
It is fair to state, that the PRACE membership has enabled science and research that would otherwise not have been possible in Denmark.
Learn more
- You can explore the list of international projects where Denmark participated here
- You can read more about all the awarded PRACE projects at the organisation’s website here