Keynote: Overlit – Digital Exposure and Ethics in a Datafied World
Mikkel Flyverbom, Professor (mso) CBS & medlem af Regeringens Dataetiske Råd
10:00 - Kaffepause
Spor 1 - Data Management
How a metadata for machines workshop can help to improve research impact
Hannah Mihai, Data Management Consultant, DeiC
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
HPC success stories HPC in the field: research and recording of prehistoric rock art using 3D image-based modelling
James Dodd, PhD Stipendiat, AU
Spor 3 - Sikkerhed
Sikkerhed ved backup og arkivering af administrative- og forskningsrelaterede data (15 min.)
Ulrik Helio, Strategic Director, Motus A/S
Spor 4 - Net og tjenester
Network monitoring and locating network faults
Pavle Vuletić, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering
Spor 1 - Data Management
Rescuing legacy data from obsoletion: use-case
Kurt Schaldemose Hansen, Seniorforsker, DTU
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
HPC success stories Edge computing on the edge
Anders Ellersgaard Kalør, Videnskabelig assistent, AAU
Spor 3 - Sikkerhed
SIE Europe - To See or Not To See, That Is the Question - beskyttelse af Danmark vha. passive-/aktive DNS
Bo S. Dreier, IT-specialist, SDU
Spor 4 - Net og tjenester
Industriel IoT og netværk og applikationer
Henrik Revsbech Dam, CEO & founder, INUATEK A/S
Spor 1 - Data Management
Making sensitive data FAIR through distributed learning
Carsten Brink, Professor, SDU
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
HPC success stories Exploring past economies with HPC-enabled agent-based modelling
Izabela Romanowska, Postdoc, AU
Spor 3 - Sikkerhed
SIE (fortsat) – Design Thinking awareness
Kurt Gammelgaard Nielsen, CIO, UCL
Spor 4 - Net og tjenester
Dataplansprogrammering med P4
Henrik Wessing, Lektor, Ph.D., DTU Fotonik
12:00 - Frokost
Spor 1 - Data Management
The missing link in the knowledge ecosystem: publishing reproducible science
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Chief Consultant, AU
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
HPC success stories Paneldebat: HPC i humaniora/samfundsvidenskab
Spor 3 - Sikkerhed
Hack the Hacker
Jens Myrup Pedersen, Professor, AAU
Spor 4 - Net og tjenester
Erfaringer og oplevelser med online undervisning på 9 videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner i foråret 2020
Marianne Georgsen, Docent, UCN
Spor 1 - Data Management
Citizen Science as a research tool – with focus on data quality, scientific outputs, data management, seen through ongoing projects
Anders P. Tøttrup, Associate Professor and Head of Citizen Science at Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen
Spor 2 - HPC og eScience
HPC success stories Paneldebat: HPC i humaniora/samfundsvidenskab (fortsat)
Spor 3 - Sikkerhed
DKCERTS opgaver, mål og vision
Henrik Larsen, Chef for DKCERT & WAYF
Spor 4 - Net og tjenester
Amberscript – en ny tjeneste
Morten Kjeldgaard, Chefkonsulent, DeiC, og Martin Bech, Chef for forskningsnettet
14:00 - Kaffepause
Afslutningskeynote: Antenneforskning - eksperimentel og numerisk
Gert Frølund Pedersen, Professor, Institut for Elektroniske Systemer, AAU
Farvel og tak for denne gang
Gitte Kudsk, Direktør, DeiC og John Renner, Bestyrelsesformand, DeiC
Overlit – Digital Exposure and Ethics in a Datafied World
Digital technologies and data-driven, algorithmic solutions shine a very sharp light on our lives, and turn human experience into data points. These developments raise a number of questions about ethics, responsibility and rights. My keynote discusses the shape of the digital infrastructures and the workings of ’datafication’ that make digital exposure possible. It then offers some ways of thinking about the consequences of these developments for humans, organizations and societies, and points to the need for institutional, political and other societal responses.
Mikkel Flyverbom is Professor mso in Communication and Digital Transformations at Copenhagen Business School, and a member of the government’s Data Ethics Council and Digitalization Partnership. He is the author of the book The Digital Prism: Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World (Cambridge University Press) and a tech columnist at the Danish newspaper Politiken.
How a metadata for machines workshop can help to improve research impact.
Nationally and internationally the FAIR principles must make way for valuable changes of research practice. DeiC has developed a ‘rapid M4M’ concept, which can be held in 2 x ½ days and gives one research group the unique opportunity to get a good understanding of the necessary first steps that have to be taken in order to produce machine actionable metadata. We will introduce the concept, and attempt to engage you in cooperation on how machine actionable metadata can be produced.
The benefit of machine-actionable metadata is that they become easier to discover and access both metadata and data, and the number of citable research outputs increases, while complying with the FAIR principles. By doing this the researcher will increase the impact of the research group's data, strengthen her/his data handling internally as well as within the peer group. Additionally, good data handling practices strongly increase chances of receiving funding for your research.
Our M4M concept has caught international attention as a way to create obvious change for research practices.
HPC in the field: research and recording of prehistoric rock art using 3D image-based modelling
Images carved into, or painted on, rock surfaces are found all over the world. The recording of these windows into the past requires detailed recordings to be made of the surface. For 3D image-based modelling using the structure from motion method, the necessary processing time is very time consuming, but quickly overcome in a parallel environment. Remote processing of image-based 3D models on HPC using Agisoft Metashape software, controlled from the field via the mobile telephone network, transforms the role of image-based 3D modelling in archaeological research: from an information source first consulted during post-processing, to an active tool integrated as part of on-site research practices. This talk describes the methodology of the workflow as developed and deployed as part of a large-scale programme of rock art recording in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Sikkerhed ved backup og arkivering af administrative- og forskningsrelaterede data
Fordele og ulemper ved data on premise og i cloud, herunder backup fra cloud services og backup til cloud services.
Databeskyttelse, teknisk i forhold til bl.a. filsystemer såvel som regulatorisk i forhold til eksempelvis Schrems II og GDPR.
Perspektivering i relation til de forventede omkostninger på de forskellige typer dataopbevaring, herunder arkiveringsmetodikker fra primær storage.
Rescuing legacy data from obsoletion: use-case
Research groups often possess a rich heritage of data spanning periods of several decades. However, this legacy almost never gets proper attention due to lack of funding, and thus lack of long-term maintenance plans. As a consequence, the legacy data are typically unreadable and unaccessible due to obsolete formats and technologies in which they are provided. To prevent this from happening, DTU Wind Energy executed a pilot data rescue project and FAIRified the data collection, moving it from an old to a new technology stack. In this talk, we will present the results of this work.
SIE Europe - To See or Not To See, That Is the Question - Beskyttelse af Danmark vha. passive-/aktive DNS
Præsentationen gennemgår SDU's tilkobling til SIE Europe netværket med henblik på beskyttelse af SDU og bidrage til opklaring-/identificering af sikkerhedshændelse på verdensplan. Data fra alle SIE Europe sensorer live analyseres i en analyseboks med flere tusinde regler og mønster søgning.
Making sensitive data FAIR through distributed learning
Data collected for research should ideally be available for a future research project and not just be discarded after a given project has been finalized. This idea is in line with the FAIR principles that data should be: findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. Within health science, it can be challenging to make data openly available due to the sensitive nature of patient data. The FAIR principles, therefore, need to be slightly modified within the area of health sciences. The presentation is related to the development of multi-centre data models within the field of sensitive data that prevent the pooling of all the data. A distributed learning method, where all data are kept locally and only aggregated data are collected, will be discussed as an alternative to having full access to all the data. This method can support the efficient reuse of data while protecting the sensitive nature of the data.
Exploring past economies with HPC-enabled agent-based modelling
Imagine going to a market to buy a cooking pot. The seller offers you a wide selection of locally made or imported ceramics, some cheaper, some more expensive. But which one to choose?
Here we present a model of economic interactions designed to investigate how simple customer preferences can shape centuries long term economic and cultural trends. By applying a number of standard cultural evolution algorithms to a baseline economic model we investigate how cultural behavioural scenarios can lead to different economic patterns in archaeological data. Did traders communicate with each other and copy strategies? And if so, how often and who did they copy from?
We test three competing hypotheses formalised in an agent-based model (ABM) and compare their predictions to archaeologically observed tableware distribution patterns using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). Both techniques: ABM and ABC are highly computationally expensive. ABM due to the use of hundreds of independent autonomous agents, each performing their own calculations and ABC because it requires hundreds of thousands simulation runs to sweep through the parameter space and converge on the ones consistent with the target data pattern. To achieve this we deployed a custom solution developed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center: an ABM framework, Pandora, which integrates ABM models with High Performance Computing environments.
The missing link in the knowledge ecosystem: publishing reproducible science
Knowledge Exchange, which is a knowledge forum with members from UK, Holland, Germany, Finland, France and Denmark, has initiated a project about “Publishing Reproducible Research Output”. The overall aim is to investigate current practices and barriers related to publishing reproducible research output and to determine how infrastructures (technical and social) can support this.
The rationale for the project is that despite the Open Science agenda puts more focus on transparency with regard to research processes, efforts to enhance reproducibility are still not part of everyday practice. There have been efforts to enhance reproducibility and transparency through journals offering more space for methods sections, checklists or reporting summaries/guidelines for authors, employing statisticians that check the calculations and offering or requiring authors to submit the data and code on which the publication is based. In addition, there are more and more journals that publish negative (results that do not support initial hypotheses) or null results (studies that have no effect). The talk will present the context and background for the project and results from the final report.
Erfaringer og oplevelser med online undervisning på 9 videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner i foråret 2020
I 2020 gennemførte 9 videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner en omfattende undersøgelse af erfaringer med online undervisning under den første COVID-19 nedlukning. Den overordnede konklusion på undersøgelsen var, at nødundervisningen lykkedes, men har haft konsekvenser, bl.a. for variationen i undervisningsformer, kvaliteten af undervisningen, for de studerendes oplevede læringsudbytte og for undervisernes tilfredshed med eget arbejde.
Oplægget vil komme nærmere ind på hvad der kendetegnede online undervisningen i perioden, og hvordan vi kommer fra nødundervisning til udvikling af online undervisning i institutionerne.
Rapport og resume fra undersøgelsen er tilgængelige her.
Hack the Hacker
Hvordan ser fremtidens beskyttelse mod hackerne og de cyberkriminelle ud? Kom med bag kulissen i den nyeste forskning i cybersikkerhed på Aalborg Universitet, der både handler om at indsamle data der kan bruges til at forstå hvordan angriberne arbejder - fra analyse af netværkstrafik over scanninger til brug af honeypots - og om at anvende denne viden til at kunne detektere angreb under opsejling, så de kan standses før skaden er sket.
DKCERTS opgaver, mål og vision
DKCERT overvåger sikkerheden på forskningsnettet. Men hvad betyder egentlig det? I dette oplæg giver chef for DKCERT, Henrik Larsen, indblik i DKCERTs metoder og ydelser, og det som medarbejdere i uddannelses- og forskningssektoren kan forvente af DKCERT i forhold til sikkerhedsarbejdet, forebyggelse af hændelser og håndtering af hændelser. Der gives også en introduktion til DKCERTs DPO-tjeneste, som er en service til de universiteter og uddannelsesinstitutioner, der har brug for DPO-ydelser af kortere eller længere varighed.
Edge computing on the edge
I løbet af de kommende år forventes det, at en del af de opgaver, der traditionelt er blevet udført i skyen, bliver flyttet til såkaldte ”edge clouds” nærmere slutbrugerne på kanten af netværket, og endda hent ned på slutbrugerenes enheder. Dette skyldes dels, at mobilnetværk får højere hastighed og lavere latenstid, og forbindelsen til skyen dermed i stigende grad udgør en flaskehals, og dels at der er kommet et større fokus på slutbrugerens privatliv ift. deling af data. Dette oplæg vil give aktuelle eksempler på applikationer, der illustrerer denne tendens, samt et indblik i den igangværende forskning i integrationen af mobilnetværk og computing hen imod 6G.
Dataplansprogrammering med P4
I denne session introduceres dataplansprogrammering ved hjælp af P4, som giver mulighed for at håndtere nye versioner af protokoller og dataformater uden kostbar ændring af hardware. Ligeledes adresseres en række anvendelsesmuligheder herunder til monitorering af netværk.
En foreløbig orientering om den nye tjeneste Amberscript
Status lige nu
Antenneforskning - eksperimentel og numerisk
The missing link in the knowledge ecosystem: publishing reproducible science
Citizen Science as a research tool – with focus on data quality, scientific outputs, data management, seen through ongoing projects
How a metadata for machines workshop can help to improve research impact
Rescuing legacy data from obsoletion: use-case
Making sensitive data FAIR through distributed learning
10 nov 2021
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