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The Research Scheme – and the Cooperation with the Research Service Units (FSE)

The Research Scheme provides publicly funded researchers and projects with access to register data from Statistics Denmark (DST) and the Danish Health Data Authority (SDS). As an advisory body under DeiC, KOR helps shape the framework for Danish register researchers by negotiating the terms of the Research Scheme with the Research Service Units (FSE) at both DST and SDS, through the allocation of a basic grant for the operation and development of the FSEs.

In order to qualify for the Research Scheme, your research institution or organization must be authorized. By applying to DST or SDS, institutions and other organizations can become authorized to access microdata (individual-level data) at a reduced hourly rate and with predictable delivery times. Data is processed within secure and closed computing environments called research machines.

Microdata Scheme: Frameworks and rules for accessing individual-level data.

Research Scheme: Hourly rates and delivery times for publicly funded research.

04 Mar 2025