What is point-to-point connections?
Dedicated data connections: PTP (point-to-point) connections are data connections that are dedicated to operating the data transmission between two locations, where you are responsible for the endpoints.
Building blocks for your network: DeiC provides point-to-point connections individually, as parallel connections, or multiple connections at the same time. PTP connections can be used to connect one or more of your addresses to your network, or to the Research Network.
When is PTP connections used?
DeiC's PTP connections are used when the institution has one or more of these needs:
- Focus on transmission quality and performance through hands-on control of all parts of the network, right down to your own black fibers, amplifier stations and dedicated network elements.
- Want to avoid overbooking backbone and equipment.
- Want costs that are independent of the volume of traffic.
- Want connections that can be effectively used to consolidate data centers and support time-critical services such as telephony, video and storage networks.
- Want traffic separation as part of the service, so that an institution can, for example, have internet and several types of intranet distributed to its geographically separated locations without having to build an expensive MPLS infrastructure.
- Wants to establish its own VLAN and or MPLS structure with the Research Network as backbone.
Who can use PTP connections?
Institutions: PTP connections are offered to institutions that either already use the Research Network or are qualified to use the Research Network.
In doubt: If you are in doubt whether you can benefit from PTP connections, contact netdrift@deic.dk.
What does it take to use PTP connections?
Physical access: You must have physical access to the installation addresses where you want your PTP connections delivered.
Physical framework: depending on your purpose with the PTP connection, there may be an increased need for access control to the installation site, temperature control, emergency power, a rack cabinet, or the like.
What about legal issues, security and personal data?
Delivery and use of PTP connections takes place in connection with your agreement on connection to the Research Network.
You manage the access to your PTP connection and the use of your PTP connection. Therefore, a data processor agreement is not relevant.
How much does it cost to use PTP connections?
DeiC provides PTP connections in the form of fiber optic connections and connected equipment in capacities of 1, 10 or 100GB.
Delivery of PTP connections is covered by the payment model for the research network.
The coherence with the development plans for the Research Network is a crucial factor that ensures that the PTP connections from DeiC are offered at competitive prices and capacities.
Where do I get support?
Technical support: As a starting point, you handle and monitor your PTP connection yourself. DeiC can also provide monitoring and support for your PTP connection at an additional cost, which can be tailored and scaled to your needs.
Support: You can get help with setting up, changing or dismantling PTP connections by contacting netdrift@deic.dk.
Operational monitoring: Any operational messages concerning the Research Network and associated PTP connections can be received by registering on ServiceInfo.dk