What is Zoom?
Video conferences for the research and education sector: Zoom is a unique conference system in terms of usability, stability and scalability. All first-time users get started quickly. Zoom by DeiC is the sector's very own version of the popular video conferencing service from Zoom. The service consists of licenses for the use of Zoom via desktop, mobile, tablets, and Zoom-room installations in a hybrid infrastructure.
Meeting traffic is handled via own servers and data connections, and recording can take place to the sector's own servers, whereby control over performance and data is significantly increased. NORDUnet, who also handles the tender obligation, hosts DeiC’s Zoom service.
When is Zoom from DeiC used?
Zoom from DeiC is used when the institution has one or more of these needs:
- Easy and user-friendly solution for online meetings, teaching and webinars.
- Meeting scalability up to 10,000 simultaneous participants, with full video viewing of participants.
- Meeting tools like audio, video and screen sharing, chat, file sharing and recording.
- Advanced tools such as whiteboard functions, ’breakouts’ and ‘waiting room’.
- Scalability in breakouts with up to 100 breakouts with up to 1000 participants.
- Integration with third-party tools such as LMS, Outlook.
Who can use Zoom from DeiC?
Institutions associated with research and education: Zoom licenses administered by DeiC are aimed at users from the research and education sector, and can not be used or purchased by other companies, private users or other institutions.
In doubt: You can see the list of institutions that use Zoom from DeiC here. If you are in doubt about whether you can benefit from Zoom from DeiC, contact videokonf@deic.dk.
What does it take to use Zoom from DeiC?
Institution setup: Institutions that use Zoom from DeiC get their own Zoom instance, including their own landing page in the format: institution domain name-dk.zoom.us, whereby the institution has full administration access to configurations, users, and integrations.
Users: Ordinary users must have a PC, mobile, or tablet with Internet access. It is advisable to use Zoom client software that is newer than 2 months, and exceptionally a standard newer browser can be used.
What about legal issues, security and personal data?
Access control: Access control is done via SSO / SAML / WAYF via the users' own username and password from the institution.
Encryption: Zoom offers a high level of encryption and data protection. See more in the FAQ (Danish only).
Data storage: Recordings are stored at NORDUnet's data center in Denmark, and possibly via integration with Kaltura, Panopto, etc. Files shared via file sharing are stored on Zoom's server cluster in the EU in encrypted format.
Logging: Statistics and logging of transactions under the service can be accessed under the Zoom administration module.
Backup: Data is protected by mirroring disks, and duplicating content to 2 locations.
Personal data: Zoom from DeiC implies acceptance of Zoom's terms of privacy, which you can find here: Zoom's privacy policy.
User rights: With a user ID, the user institution can support the right of access, deletion, correction and porting.
Data Processor Agreement: DeiC offers a data processing agreement on the basis of a data sub-processing agreement between DeiC and NORDUnet.
Risk assessment: DeiC has prepared a risk assessment of the service (Danish only).
How much does it cost to use Zoom from DeiC?
The basic price for using Zoom from DeiC is calculated on the basis of the number of full-time employees at your institution. The minimum amount covering 500 employees is, for example, DKK 40,897.16 excluding VAT per year. You can read more about prices here.
Where do I get support?
Self-help: User-friendly support pages can be found at: https://support.zoom.com
Local support: End-user support is provided by your own organization. You can see if your organisation has Zoom from DeiC here.
System support: System support is provided by DeiC via videokonf@deic.dk and tel: +45 3588 8202 (9.00-16.00)
Operating status: Representatives and dedicated users are encouraged to subscribe to operating and service announcements under https://serviceinfo.dk
If you want to get an agreement on the use of Zoom:
Service manager: Thorkild Jensen, thorkild.jensen@deic.dk tel: +45 3588 8202
Legal responsible: DeiC, DTU (CVR 30 06 09 46) (data processor)
Hosting partner: NORDUnet (data sub-processor)
System Provider: Zoom (data sub-processor)