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Material from workshops

Presentations from the speakers are available here

Several workshops were organized during the eLabBook project in order to present different ELN software and share experiences. The target audience was researchers and IT-support interested in investigating the ELN landscape. The pros and cons of their investigated systems were highlighted as well as how to best implement an ELN into their workflows (Table 1).

In the final workshop, the relevance of research data documentation in academia and in industry and its various challenges was discussed (Table 2). This provided the context of the presentation of some of the researchers, which were part of the eLabBook project, to share their knowledge and experiences gained on how to choose an ELN that satisfy their needs.

Table 1. ELN systems presented in workshops from the eLabBook project.

ELN System Presentation

Note: All the presentations are available under CC-BY License unless indicated otherwise on the slides.

Table 2. Research integrity and documentation.

Event Presentation
Final workshop

Note: All the presentations are available under CC-BY License unless indicated otherwise on the slides.

14 Mar 2022