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DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage

DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage are under development. You can expect these services to be available at your university during 2024.


The establishment of DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage is progressing in both technical and legal tracks, running in parallel.

Technical Track

Production environments at both data centers are operational, with only a few technical adjustments remaining, some of which need to be made based on a series of user tests. KU Science and KU IT are simultaneously working on testing and documenting the operational processes related to version updates and change management. DeiC Storage is expected to go into testing on August 15, 2024.

Legal Track

The temporary agreement for establishment and testing has been extended for the period January 1 to September 30, 2024. The preparation of the final operational agreement complex is under planning and is expected to be completed by October 1, 2024. The establishment and processes for DeiC Sensitive Storage are expected to follow DeiC Storage with a 3-month delay.

For more information, contact Data Management Consultant Nicolaj Tanderup via email:

What is it?

DeiC Storage & DeiC Sensitive Storage are open, national data storage systems where employees and students from Danish universities can store, share, and exchange research data. DeiC Storage is accompanied by a separate service called DeiC Sensitive Storage, which can be used for storing sensitive research data. DeiC Sensitive Storage functions similarly to DeiC Storage, but with additional access restrictions implemented to protect sensitive data.

DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage are owned by DeiC and provided free of charge to all Danish universities. These two services are based on existing services developed at the University of Copenhagen, and the operation of the services is a consortium cooperation between the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University.


When you store your research data, you contribute to making your research data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

What can you do?

With DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage, researchers and students at Danish universities can store, share, and exchange research data. Both services are under development and will offer the following features:

  • Storage: You have 1 TB of personal storage space in DeiC Storage by default. Data can be stored in various ways, including through API, web client, and mounting DeiC Storage as a network drive. You can also grant access to devices such as measurement instruments that continuously generate data.
  • Sharing and collaboration: You can share your datasets with colleagues and external collaborators. Through project allocations, you can also provide external project partners with access to data storage in DeiC Storage.
  • Citation: Datasets stored in DeiC Storage are associated with a Persistent Identifier, which you can reference in, for example, DeiC Dataverse. DeiC Storage will eventually be integrated with DeiC Dataverse.
  • Data preservation: DeiC Storage offers preservation of your research data for up to 10 years. Additionally, you can "freeze" your dataset when it is complete, ensuring it is protected against subsequent editing.
  • Data security: DeiC Storage includes security features to protect data, including authentication, authorization, and encryption. DeiC Storage also ensures backup and restoration of your data.

Steering Group

The development project behind DeiC Storage is owned and led by a consortium at the University of Copenhagen. The consortium includes members from the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University. The consortium's steering group consists of:

  • Lise Arleth (KU), Project Owner and Chairman
  • Steen Glad Rydiceher (KU), UCPH-IT Representative
  • Brian Vinter (AU), AU Representative
  • Peter Bruun (AU), AU Representative
  • Gitte Kudsk (DeiC), DeiC Representative
  • Peter Edwards (KU), Project Manager

When can I start using DeiC Storage and DeiC Sensitive Storage?

Your university must undergo a local implementation process before it is possible to use these services. This process is managed and owned by the individual university and consists of the following main steps: 1) security approval of the service, 2) adding the service to the university's other system portfolio, and 3) establishing local governance. DeiC Sensitive Storage is expected to be ready for local implementation at the university no later than three months after DeiC Storage.


For more information, contact Data Management Consultant Nicolaj Tanderup.

19 Jun 2024