On this page you will find examples and guidelines within data management for your research.
Provider | Content and link |
LIBER DMP Catalouge A central hub for DM plans across disciplines. LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) represents universities and their researchers in "World class research" and one of the focus areas is data management. A catalog of DM plans across disciplines has been collected as inspiration for researchers. More than 400 organizations are members of LIBER incl. Denmark (See list). |
Data management guideline for social science researchers
(The principles can advantageously be used wider than that).
CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives European Infrastructure Consortium) aims for social science researchers to handle their research data according to the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
The guide consists of six chapters that guide the reader through the different stages of the research project, from the initial planning phase to the publication of data. You can find answers to questions like: How do I handle personal information? What is the best way to document my data? How do I save my data securely? Can I share my data with others?
DCC example DMPs and guidance Examples of DM plans sorted by funding organizations. This includes Horizon 2020 plans across disciplines. DCC (The Digital Curation Center) is an internationally recognized center focusing on competencies in research data management. DCC has developed DMPonline, which is designed to develop DM plans. |
Examples of data types
From "ZERO BRINE", https://zenodo.org/record/1324061#.W6ucGExuJ3g
DMPOnline - a tool for writing data management plans
- DMP Online - a service from DeiC
Read more about data management at your university
- Data Management at University of Copenhagen (KU)
- Data Management at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Data Management at University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
- Data Management at Aarhus University (AU)
- Data Management at Aalborg University (AAU)
- Data Management at Roskilde University (RUC)
- Data Management at IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) --> Link will come soon
- Data Management at Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Abbreviations: DMP: Data Management Plan