The intention is for everyone affiliated with the Danish universities to be able to gain access to all the different National HPC resources. The purpose is to provide access to test runs, student projects, projects in preparations for writing a larger application, and compute time for use in bachelor and thesis projects, as well as to classes in a lesser extent. This way many more people have the opportunity to get acquainted with HPC, and get some kind of understanding of how supercomputers can be used in research. All things which will help develop potential users' HPC competencies.
There will usually be a "week to week" processing of requests for calculating resources, so if you are interested, go ahead and write your application immediately.
You can find support to the application proces at your local Front-Office.
Apply for access to HPC Sandbox here.
Your application must include:
- Who should have access? (Name and position, e.g. master student, PhD, assistant professor, professor etc.)
- Where is the applicant from? (University and Department)
- What type of HPC are you requesting access to? (Type 1-5)
- How much CPU/GPU time is requested? (It can be CPU core hours or GPU core hours. Are you not sure of this, you can contact your local front office and they will be able to help
- How much disk space will you need (in MB)? (Ask your local Front Office if you are in doubt).
- A short description of the project.
Your application should not be more than 750 letters including gaps.
Resources in HPC Sandbox
5 pct. of the Danish National HPC resources have been allocated from each facility to work as the "Sandbox" (Figure 1). These 5 pct. can be allocated to short-term projects, to tests, to student projects, to one-time projects, and the like.

Figure 1. The green HPC Sandbox (5%) for test runs. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science's involvement in DeiC pays for the left red and green part of Fig. 1 (HPC, Type 1-4). The 8 universities pay for 1-8 in Fig. 1 (HPC, Type 1-4). In addition to the resources illustrated in the figure, the national resources at LUMI in Finland are added (Type 5, not shown).
The 5 pct. is distributed between the 5 types of National HPC in Denmark as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. HPC Sandbox (5%) as distributed on Type 1-5. Total HPC resources for Sandbox applications.