KOR hosts an annual conference focusing on current trends in register research. The purpose of the conference is to inform and discuss current topics related to the development of register research. Keep an eye on DeiC’s event page and sign up for DeiC’s newsletter if desired.
View the program for KOR’s Register Research Conference 2024 here and read the feature article here.
Course in Register Research, GDPR, and the Microdata Scheme
KOR organizes courses in register research. The purpose of the course is to equip researchers and analysts interested in using register data with the skills to work with data in a secure, well-considered, and ethically responsible manner, including compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Target Group
The course is aimed at all researchers, analysis staff, and students with an interest in empirical research and analysis who are curious about the possibilities of expanding their empirical basis with register data. Participation in the course does not require prior knowledge of register data or access to a research machine.
Overall Learning Objectives
- To know and understand the data confidentiality policy in the Research Service Units at Statistics Denmark (DST) and the Danish Health Data Authority (SDS)
- To know and understand the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- To be able to access register data in practice
- To be able to review specific files from the research machines to determine if they can be taken home in accordance with the rules
- To be able to explain the central ethical considerations associated with working with register data
Due to group work and plenary discussions, there are only 50 places in each course, and spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The courses are held virtually on Zoom. Upon registration, you will automatically receive a calendar invitation.
Slides and exercises for the course will be sent to registered participants before the course starts.
Course Content
The course is divided into two parts. The first part provides participants with theoretical knowledge about register data in general, Danish data, and research machines in particular. The second part gives practical knowledge on how to gain access to data, as well as how researchers work ethically and responsibly with data.
The course is supplemented with practical exercises and includes group work.
Register Data in Denmark
- A brief overview of data providers (DST, SDS, STIL, The National Archives, etc.)
- What types of data can be applied for access and the documentation of these, including:
- Individuals – unique identification over time
- Companies – possibilities and limitations over time
- The labor market – public transfers and regular employment
- Health – why are there extra requirements for applications when health data is included?
Accessing Data and Working with It Correctly
- When a researcher applies for access to data:
- The Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- The need-to-know principle
- Application for data access through DST and SDS
Security Procedures When Working with Personal and Company-Identifiable Data
- Ethical considerations in connection with working with register data
- Security rules for working on research machines
- Security rules for taking analysis results home from the research machines