The Technical Reference Group, or in everyday speech HPC TechRef, is on of DeiC's community groups.
The objective
The aim of the group is to facilitate the exchange of experience and mutual inspiration across the institutions.
HPC TechRef works as a networking group where the participants can bring up topics and problems they are working on locally, and get input from the other participants. The introduction of new technologies and the experience with them can also be discussed. The HPC TechRef Group is a source of good inspiration and an opportunity to meet colleagues from the other HPC facilities.
The members of the group
The group is open for HPC technicians from both local and national facilities, as well as people from the universities with an interest in HPC technology.
The members of the group participate in the yearly SuperComputing Conference (SC) in USA, and on that basis prepare a report for DeiC with an assessment of the future technology in the field of HPC.
The group can send suggestions and recommendations to the HPC Forum on the development of the national HPC infrastructure. The group appoints a chairman among the members. The chairman is currently Ole Holm Nielsen, Senior HPC Officer at Department of Physics at DTU.
The group is serviced by the HPC Chief Chef Eske Christiansen, who can be contacted for further information about HPC TechRef.
The meetings
The group meets 3 times a year at institutions with HPC facilities. The meetings are arranged by the chairman in cooperation with the secretariat and possibly the host institution. DeiC finances the catering for the meetings.
Each meeting also includes a status from DeiC and from the national HPC facilities.
- Report from SuperComputer Conference 2024, November 2024, Atlanta, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference 2023, November 2023, Denver, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference 2022, November 2022, Denver, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference 2019, November 2019, Denver, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference 2018, November 2018, Dallas, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference SC17, November 2017, Denver, USA (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference SC16 (PDF)
- Report from study trip to ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference 2015 (PDF)
- Report from SuperComputer Conference SC14 (PDF)