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Supercomputing (HPC)
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DeiC konference 2024


Foto af Dennis Wollbrink ved Nordic Industry Days
Foto:Apostolos Vasileiadis
08 Oct 2024
Supercomputing – the gateway to competitive advantage
On 2-3 September 2024 the Danish National Competence Centre for HPC, EuroCC2, hosted first Nordic Industry Days in Copenhagen exploring industry use of High-Performance Computing.
iSrock people
Foto: iStock
11 Sep 2024
Nye ansigter i DeiCs HPC-afdeling
Nye HPC-specialister skal bidrage til udvikling og support af nationale og europæiske HPC-anlæg.
HPC kald
Foto: iStock
05 Aug 2024
The second call of the year for computing time on the national HPC facilities opens on August 1, 2024
If you are a researcher or Ph.D. student at a Danish university, you can now apply for access to computing time on the national HPC facilities, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open to all research areas.
09 Jul 2024
Evaluate the FAIRness of Your Social Science Datasets with F-UJI
The evaluation tool F-UJI has been updated with specialized metrics that cater to the needs of various disciplines.
DeiC konferencen 2023
Foto: Hjortlund Medier
08 Jul 2024
DeiC Unveils the First Speakers for This Year’s Conference
We are now able to present the first speakers within the security field for the DeiC Conference 2024. Additionally, you can meet the person who is leading this year’s conference.
Gitte og Anne Sofie EOSC
Gitte Kudsk
05 Jul 2024
Highligts from EOSC Association General Assembly
At the EOSC Association's 8th General Assembly in Leuven, DeiC formally acceded as a mandated organization. A central topic of the meeting was the presentation of the upcoming EOSC EU Node.

Use cases

10 Oct 2024
Rambøll optimizes fire-safety simulations with LUMI-supercomputer
In this video Frederik Paulin Larsen explains, how Rambøll’s fire-safety department is using the LUMI-supercomputer to drastically reduce simulation and analysis processes bringing weeks down to days.
Jakob Bæk Kristensen - Deic
Foto: DeiC
04 Jan 2024
Video use case: How to analyze 919 million SoMe posts
By using HPC resources researcher Jakob Bæk Kristensen and his group investigates how alternative news are shared and spread on social media across Europe.
Adela - deic conference
Foto: DeiC
03 Jan 2024
Video use case: DeiC Interactive strengthens teaching in digital methods
Historian Adela Subotkova teaches history students at the University of Aarhus in digital methods. For her, DeiC Interactive has become an essential tool that has significantly facilitated and improved teaching.
Kristian Sommer Thygesen - DeiC
Foto: DeiC
18 Dec 2023
Video use case: Unleashing the power of LUMI
In 2023 a LUMI grand challenge allowed Professor of Theoretical physics Kristian Sommer Thygesen and his team to calculate the electronic structure of 10.000 materials.
Rebeka Baglini
11 Dec 2023
Supercomputing drives deeper insight into Linguistics and social media
DeiC Interactive HPC has become an integral part of both research and teaching for Associate Professor in Linguistics Rebekah Baglini at Aarhus University’s Interacting Minds Centre.
Rolf Lyneborg Lund
Foto: DeiC
06 Dec 2023
Video use case: HPC enlightens researchers in social sciences and humanities about human behavior.
Sociologist Rolf Lyneborg Lund has trained an image AI using DeiCInteractive, which can help us understand how people perceive the concepts of "good" and "bad" neighborhoods.