The solutions range widely from satellite telephones, which are primarily suitable for portable voice telephony in the remote regions of the world, to total communication solutions for both data and telecommunications solutions for fixed installations at research stations.
Who can use SatCOM
Educational and research institutions in Denmark can use the SatCOM service through DeiC.
What does it take to use the service
A loan slip is completed on the desired equipment.
The user must provide the SIM card and the necessary subscription. DeiC can provide the SIM card subscription and technical advice on the preparation and use of equipment and services.
Processing of personal data
Your name and contact information in connection with loan of equipment will be registered. This is also done in connection with assistance with obtaining a SIM card and subscription.
Legal rules and agreements
A data processor agreement and a framework contract are being considered, but not yet planned.
Lending agreement can be found here (Danish only).
Reporting form can be found here (Danish only).
The user is liable for the equipment if it is returned late or in defective condition.
If you need support, you can write to this email address. satcom@deic.dk
Payment model and price
Lending of equipment is in the start-up phase free of charge privided you deliver a short report on your experiences with preparation and use of the equipment.
Get started
You will find the instructions for our most used satellite phone here. (Danish only)
If you want to know more or use the service, you can contact DeiC here. satcom@deic.dk