Universities, research institutions, other public institutions and Danish companies with an important research element as well as student housing affiliated with a university may use Forskningsnettet.
Forskningsnettet is more than an internet connection. We offer the connected institutions an high speed internet connection and a number of related services.
- Requirements for connection to Forskningsnettet (PDF in Danish)
- Acceptable Use Policy for Forskningsnettet (PDF in Danish)
- The SLA of Forskningsnettet (PDF)
- Connection of Student Housing
- Connected institutions
For enquiries about connection to forskningsnettet, upgrading of lines etc. please contact:
DTU, Asmussens Allé, bygning 305
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Att.: Martin Bech
Phone: +45 35 88 82 03
E-mail: martin.bech@deic.dk
For enquiries about operations please contact:
Network Operations Manager Jan Ferré
Phone: +45 35 88 82 25
Mail: Jan.Ferre@deic.dk
For enquiries concerning the administration please contact:
DTU, Asmussens Allé, bygning 305
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: +45 35 88 82 02
Mail: deic@deic.dk