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Supercomputing - et nationalt universitetssamarbejde

Taler: Jeppe Olsen, Dept. of Chemistry, Aarhus University
Titel: Supercomputing - et nationalt universitetssamarbejde
Supercomputing as a Project of National Collaboration

Om præsentationen: A number of models for the organization of supercomputing have been implemented in different countries. Whereas a number of countries have highly centralized facilities,  other countries have more decentralized facilities. All models have advantages and disadvantages. In Denmark, the setup of supercomputing has been extremely decentralized without any national facilities and services for hardware or  for consulting services. In this talk,  I will, from the perspective of a seasoned user, discuss the pro and cons of the various setups, and compare my personal experiences in using  Danish and foreign national facilities. 

Sessionsleder: Kurt Gammelgaard Nielsen (SDU)

22 Dec 2015