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EOSC Denmark Coordination Forum

DeiC invites you to the third virtual meeting of the EOSC Denmark Coordination Forum.
26 Sep 2022 - 14:00
26 Sep 2022 - 16:00
Online via Zoom

DeIC would like to invite you to this third meeting of the EOSC Denmark Coordination Forum. 

The EOSC Denmark Coordination Forum is for everyone active in and/or curious about initiatives and activities related to the European Open Science Cloud. That is EOSC Association, EOSC Steering Group, EOSC Task Forces and EOSC projects. Find a presentation of the EOSC Denmarks Coordination Forum here.

The purpose of the meeting for the forum will be to share knowledge about Denmark's current position and activities including upcoming calls in relation to the EOSC. The forum acts as a platform for knowledge sharing, cooperation and intensified EOSC engagement nationally.

Sign up for the meeting here.

Time Agenda
14:00 Welcome and framing of the meeting
  • Welcome, Anne Sofie Fink, DeiC
14:05 Update on EOSC A Task Forces with national representation
  • Researcher Engagement and Adoption, Marion Poetz, CBS (TBC)
  • Force Semantic Interoperability, Raghave Rao Mukkamala, CBS
  • Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths, Lorna
  • Wildgaard, The Royal Library
  • FAIR Metrics and Data Quality, Richard Dennis, The Royal
  • Library
  • AAI Architecture, Josva Kleist, NORDUnet
  • Technical Interoperability of Data and Services, Lene Krøl
  • Andersen, DTU (TBC)
  • Financial Sustainability, René Belsø, DeiC
14:45 Additional EOSC A Task Forces without national representation
  • Short update from the additional Task Forces, Anne Sofie Fink, DeiC

Update from EOSC participations at organisational level

  • EOSC Steering Group, Hanne-Louise Kirkegaard, Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
  • EOSC Association, Anders Sparre Conrad, DeiC
15:05 EOSC Projects (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe)
  • EOSC-Nordic, Lene Krøl Andersen, Computerome, DTU
  • FAIR-IMPACT, Anne Sofie Fink, DeiC
  • Skills4EOSC, Mareike Buss, CBS og René Belsø, DeiC
15:20 European funding opportunities for 2022-2024
  • Recap from national meeting 2022-08-19 incl. discussion, Anne Sofie Fink and René Belsø, DeiC
  • Calls of special interest from a national perspective?
  • Need for further discussion of motivations for participation?
15:40 European funding opportunities for 2022-2024
  • Recap from national meeting 2022-08-19 incl. discussion, Anne Sofie Fink and René Belsø, DeiC
  • Calls of special interest from a national perspective?
  • Need for further discussion of motivations for participation?
15:55 Summing up and take aways incl. next meeting