RDA is a great ressource for generic information on Data Management but also in certain cases domain specific information. Several RDA groups are for example working on supporting researchers in the field of Social Sciences, and in this webinar we will present an overview of the Social Sciences landscape in RDA together with concrete examples of how researchers are working with Social-Sciences-specific Data Management standards.
Social Sciences - Navigating the RDA landscape
Ricarda Braukmann (Data Station Manager Social Sciences at DANS, NL) and Louise Bezuidenhout (Research Data Expert at DANS, NL)
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) hosts more than hundreds Interest and Working Groups around various topics related to (open) research data and innovation. For newcomers it can be difficult to navigate the RDA landscape and understand how it operates, and which groups may be relevant to follow. To support (new) social science researchers, DANS has created a report that gives an introduction to RDA and an overview of the groups most relevant for the social science domain. Louise Bezuidenhout and Ricarda Braukmann will present an updated version of this report first published in 2018. In addition, they will provide an overview of upcoming events, initiatives and changes within the RDA.
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Metadata Standards in context
Hilde Orten (Sociologist from University of Bergen, NO; Vice Chair of the DDI Alliance Scientific board)
The presentation will introduce the three main products of the DDI Alliance:
- DDI-Codebook;
- DDI-Lifecycle;
- DDI-Cross domain integration (forthcoming).
In addition, DDI’s role in the metadata standards landscape and in relation to the FAIR will be addressed.
DDI usage in practice – an example from the European Social Survey
Benjamin Beuster (Senior Advisor at Sikt, NO)
The Data Documentation Initiative Lifecycle (DDI-Lifecycle ) is an international standard for describing surveys, questionnaires, statistical data files, and social science study-level information. In this part of the webinar, we will focus on DDI-Lifecycle and its usage in the new Data Portal of the European Social Survey and provide real life examples.
We look forward to you joining us for this exciting webinar.