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Research Software and Reproducibility

This is the third and last webinar on FAIR research software organized by DeiC and SND. We will focus on how to create reproducible research outputs with a specific focus on software.
08 Apr 2022 - 10:00
08 Apr 2022 - 15:00
DeiC and SND
# Agenda
1 Welcome by RDA-SE / RDA-DK

The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs: Supporting emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation.

Speaker: Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Aarhus University, Knowledge Exchange


Curation of data and code for reproducible and FAIR research

Speaker: Limor Peer, Yale University, CURE-FAIR WG, RDA


Presentation of the outcomes of the NL-RSE workshop on Reproducibility vs. Reusability

Speaker: Carlos Martinez, NL-RSE, FAIR4RS WG

5 Thanks and concluding remarks

Reproducibility is an important factor playing into trustworthy research. The Knowledge Exchange report The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs: Supporting emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation explores the current practices and barriers for reproducibility of research outputs, with a focus on the publication and dissemination stage. The RDA working group CURE-FAIR focuses on the specific issues that arise with software as a research output.
