The University of Reykjavík (RU) has just joined WAYF (Where Are You From) as a user organization. With this, employees and students at RU now have access to identify themselves as such to a large number of web services in both WAYF and eduGAIN.
Already now, RU users, for example, access the ERASMUS service OLA via WAYF. And in the long run, the WAYF connection is expected to give RU researchers easy access to HPC facilities under LUMI.
The University of Reykjavík is the second Icelandic member of WAYF - the University of Iceland has already been involved for many years.
Bindeled mellem fjenesteudbydere og institutioner
WAYF is a digital infrastructure that connects institutions' user bases and login systems with external web services. With the solution, you log in at your research or educational institution to access a login-protected web service outside the institution's own login system.
By using WAYF, employees and students thus avoid having to remember separate login information for each web service that they use outside their institution.
WAYF communicates with two types of organizations: Service Providers and Institutions.
The service providers (eg a research library or an online dictionary) provide a service and the institutions provide information about users.
The solution then provides the technical protocol translations needed in the communication between the two types of organization, and ensures that each individual user has been informed about the transfer of personal data.