Denmark is a member of PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), which gives the right to all Danish researchers and Danish Industry to apply for compute time. However, only companies with their headquarters or their primary research in Europe can apply for computational resources.
PRACE provides access to eight of the largest European supercomputers at five different facilities. The computational resources are distributed on the basis of scientific quality and demonstrated technical ability to run on the large supercomputers. Depending on the application, it will be possible to allocate between five and 100 million CPU core hours as a minimum and for three of the computers predominantly access to GPUs.
There are really good opportunities to get computing time with over 3,000 million CPU core hours available in this call. From autumn 2019 to the end of 2020, Danish researchers have gained access to over 220 million CPU core hours.
As an aid to Danish researchers, Troels Haugbølle from the University of Copenhagen, who is chairman of the PRACE User Forum, will offer sparring to the application process. It will also be PRACE that will handle EuroHPC applications when it starts up, and it is therefore advantageous to get acquainted with the application system.
You can contact Troels Haugbølle at haugboel@nbi.ku.dk for further engagement.
More specific information about the application can be found here.
Deadlines for PRACE 23rd Call:
- Opening date: 23.03.2021.
- Closing date: 27.04.2021 at 10.00 am CET.
- Answer (approx.): Medio July.
- Project execution: 1.10.2021 til 30.09.2022.
You are also welcome to contact DeiC's HPC Manager Eske Christiansen at eske.christiansen@deic.dk, if you want more information on this call, PRACE or EuroHPC in general.