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Register for the first courses in OpenMP with LUMI

The first courses in OpenMP within the framework of LUMI are now open for registration. It concerns two courses where one is more of a basic introduction to OpenMP and the other is for more experienced users and revolves around the utilization of GPUs.
15/10/2021 11:10

OpenMP is an application programming interface designed to facilitate parallelism. It is the model of choice for shared-memory programming, which enables serial programs to be parallelized using compiler directives.

OpenMP Programming

In this course the student will learn a wide range of OpenMP topics, starting from the basics before moving to really advanced topics.

The material presented in this course is a prerequisite for the "OpenMP Offload" course and specifically the knowledge of the tasking.

The course will be held online on the 2nd-3rd of November.

OpenMP Offload

The OpenMP Offload course is organized by the LUMI User Support Team (LUST) and supported by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd (Finland) and CSC Autumn of HPC 2021 (five modules program on teaching essential skills in parallel programming for modern GPU-accelerated supercomputers) under PRACE Training Centres activity.

The training aims to help the users to port their code to LUMI. The course address the use of OpenMP for programming co-processors such as GPUs. It focuses on how to get the best out of OpenMP in terms of performance by exploring the implications of possible OpenMP parallelization strategies. Advanced topics such as asynchronous execution, interoperability with CUDA/HIP and the use of multiple GPUs are covered.

Registration is obligatory since the details to access the online course will be provided to the registered and accepted attendees only.

The course will be held online on the 9th-10th of November.

Rea more about OpenMP.