The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science and DeIC would like to invite you to the first meeting of the DK Denmark EOSC Coordination Forum.
The forum is for everyone active in and/or curious about initiatives and activities related to the European Open Science Cloud. That is EOSC Association, EOSC Steering Group, EOSC Task Forces, EOSC projects etc. Find a presentation of the EOSC Denmarks Coordination Forum here.
The purpose of the first meeting for the forum will be to share knowledge about Denmark's current position and activities in relation to the EOSC and to clarify how a forum can contribute to knowledge about and the benefits from the EOSC. The forum is expected to act as a platform for knowledge sharing, cooperation and intensified EOSC engagement nationally.
See the program here.
The forum is in line with similar initiatives in other EU countries.
Read more in the study "EOSC National Structures: an overview of the national EOSC coordination and engagement mechanisms in Europe".
Sign up for the meeting: https://www.deic.dk/en/EOSC/registration/2021