The second call for applications for regular access to resources on the national HPC centers is now open. This includes applications for the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open for applications from all research areas.
As part of the use of the national e-infrastructures DeiC issues calls for applications on the use of the national resources. The projects are granted resources after application and on basis of assessment of research quality and technical feasibility.
The applications are evaluated by the appointed e-ressource committe and the grants are approved by the DeiC board.
Deadline for applications are 4th of October 2022 midnight, and the resources will be available for use forn 1. January 2023. The applications must be send by secure email to: e-kald-ansoegning@deic.dk.
If you have any questions, you can contact your local Front Office or send an email to e-kald-support@listserv.deic.dk.
Read about the background and proces for calls for applications for national e-resources.