In the coming months, the program committee will prepare the academic program for the DeiC conference 2021, which will take place on 3-4 November 2021 in Bredsten near Vejle at Vingsted Hotel and Conference Center.
The committee consists of the following members:
- Mareike Buss, Information Specialist, CBS Library
- Troels Rasmussen, Special consultant, DeiC
- Thomas Arildsen, Data Science and Research IT Consultant, Aalborg University
- Samuele Soraggi, Academic employee HPC, Aarhus University
- Eske Hjalmer Bergishagen Christiansen, Head of HPC, DeiC
- Henrik Wessing, Lecturer, DTU Fotonik, Technical University of Denmark
- Martin Bech, CTO, DeiC
- Simon Nexø Jensen, Data analyst, DKCERT
- Morten Als Pedersen, CISO, Technical University of Denmark
- Sanne Holm, Project manager for DeiC conference, DeiC
If you have an idea for a topic or would like to give a speech, you are very welcome to contact Sanne Holm at sanne.holm@deic.dk
Last year we unfortunately had to cancel the DeiC conference due to the Corona situation, but we hope that this year it is possible to gather again for two inspiring days.
We look forward to announcing the preliminary program in early June, where registration also opens.