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04 Mar 2024
DeiC Interactive HPC offers NVIDIA applications for exploring quantum computing
Integration of 2 applications for super-efficient quantum computations and new opportunities for quantum algorithm simulations are significant contributions to the Danish quantum computing landscape.
28 Feb 2024
AC-Support staff in Quantum Computing with possibility of research time at Danish universities (3 year position)
DeiC is looking for 2 professionals in Quantum computing/HPC simulations of Quantum Computing infrastructures.
19 Feb 2024
DeiC participates in a European project on quantum communication
Broad Danish involvement collaborates to establish a quantum network between Lyngby, Copenhagen, and Odense over the next 2.5 years.
12 Feb 2024
New Web Interface for LUMI
Easier access to LUMI through your browser marks the beginning of a user-driven development where more and more apps will enhance both utilization and user experience.
12 Feb 2024
First call this year for compute time on the national HPC facilities opens January 12, 2024
If you are a researcher or Ph.D. student at a Danish university, you can now apply for access to compute time on the national HPC facilities, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open to all research areas.
12 Feb 2024
Quantum Call for researchers at Danish Universities
Quantum call - DeiC now offers universities the opportunity to apply for fully funded PhD and Postdoc positions in the field of quantum algorithms and quantum software.
08 Feb 2024
DeiC unleashes AI
HPC infrastructure and expertise from the university sector are to be leveraged among Danish companies. That is the purpose of the EuroCC2 project, which on January 30th invited local companies to the inspiration seminar "Unleash AI".
10 Jan 2024
DeiC representation in the EuroHPC LUMI consortium
The appointment of DeiC board member Brian Vinter from AU and DeiC HPC Manager Eske Christiansen in central positions strengthens DeiC's role in the EuroHPC LUMI consortium.
04 Jan 2024
Video use case: How to analyze 919 million SoMe posts
By using HPC resources researcher Jakob Bæk Kristensen and his group investigates how alternative news are shared and spread on social media across Europe.
03 Jan 2024
Video use case: DeiC Interactive strengthens teaching in digital methods
Historian Adela Subotkova teaches history students at the University of Aarhus in digital methods. For her, DeiC Interactive has become an essential tool that has significantly facilitated and improved teaching.