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Joint Nordic tender for voice-to-text services

To offer a good voice-to-text product in the future, DeiC is now participating in a tender for the upcoming solutions.
15/04/2021 09:04
Foto: Colourbox.

It has become common to systematically use automated speech-to-text tools for many purposes.

It can be documentation of interviews you have conducted in a research project, or it can be texting teaching videos automatically. The latter has also become a requirement.

In 2021, universities will share some licenses with KONCH, and it has become an option to purchase AmberScript for DeiC's Kaltura service.

In order to be able to offer a good solution in this area in the future, DeiC participates in a joint Nordic tender for voice-to-text services.

It has the OJEU number 2021 / S 065-166277 with a deadline 21 / 5-2021. It is as usual organized by NORDUnet and interested suppliers can find the material here.

We hope this can lead to us having a new service ready in the fall of 2021.